Srikumar Chattopadhyay

Geography of Kerala - New Delhi Concept 2021 - 328 p.

Kerala invokes immense interests, nationally and internationally, for her achievements in social and human development, and the decentralized planning process that is being practiced during the last two and half decades. It is argued that Kerala's geography contributed significantly in shaping the state, what it is today. The devastation of geography, particularly the deterioration of environmental and natural resource base can impinge upon the ongoing development process and can even jeopardise the future scope development. This book consisting of 16 chapters including 65 tables and 90 figures deliberates on various issues related to physical and human geography. It provides a detailed analysis of the state's topography, geomorphology, water resources, land resources, land use and land holdings, agriculture and allied sectors, industrial development, transport and tourism, settlements, population and migration, urbanisation, social sector covering Kerala model, education, health, human development, poverty, decentralised planning, natural hazards and disaster management, changing geography, regions, area development, and management. Spatial variability has been highlighted and explained. This book will be a valuable guide to the geography community, and all those interested to learn the geography of Kerala.


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