ഹന്‍സ്ദാ സൌവേന്ദ്ര ശേഖര്‍ ( Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar)

ആദിവാസി നൃത്തം ചെയ്യാറില്ല (Adivasi nrutham cheyyarilla) - കോട്ടയം: (Kottayam:) സാഹിത്യപ്രവര്‍ത്തക സഹകരണസംഘം, (SPCS,) 2018 - 112p.

The Adivasi Will Not Danceis a collection of short stories. The second book by Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar, it was nominated for The Hindu Literary Prize in 2016.[1] As of September 2018, this book has been translated into Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, and Gujarati, while the Malayalam, Bengali, and Austrian German translations are forthcoming.


Indian english literature-Novel-Short story-Fiction
Tribals -Tribes-India
Translated works

M823.92 / HAN/A

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